Introduction to ULTIMATE HEALING with Master Shaman Peter Aziz
A new program that harmonises your body bacteria and two detoxifying healings to release from your body all contaminants prevalent at this time.
Free Webinar
Discover how emotions are sequentially suppressed in 7 levels in specific glands and how to release them and heal.
Register Free at the Best Time for You:
Thursday, 18 January, 2024 at 9.00 pm New York time
Saturday, 20 January, 2024 at 10.00 am London time
Sunday, 21 January, 2024 at 9.00 am Bangkok time
About the Webinar
In this webinar, hereditary shaman Peter Aziz will be taking a look at the most common issues that people bring to him for healing and how the techniques used in Ultimate Healing can resolve them despite you having maybe tried many methods in the past which haven’t worked or the improvements were only temporary - the problems kept coming back.
He will be focusing on the mechanism by which emotions are stored in the body – primarily in the endocrine glands. He will show the sequence of suppression as emotions are repressed more deeply until they reach the level of the unconscious, how these levels relate to the glands and the types of physical and psycho-emotional illnesses and imbalances that can manifest when this happens. Peter gives us a taste in the video below which is summarised in the infographic below it.
Peter will explain the importance of fully feeling all the emotional layers, rising up the scale of emotions and how to dis-create unwanted situations in your life so that you can heal and live the life you desire as a master creator.

About Peter Aziz
Peter Aziz is a healer, magician, and hereditary shaman. He has spent his whole life training in shamanism, healing, yoga, magick, and metaphysics, and learning from the faery kingdom. Peter is also a physicist. He was born in England and now lives in Thailand.
He has dedicated himself to bringing the ancient wisdom to the public, to help all spiritual seekers to further themselves, and to healing the impossible. He runs workshops on healing, magick and shamanism, where he initiates his students into these powerful traditions.
In his healing practice, he combines many of these techniques, specialising in the most difficult cases that have not been able to find relief anywhere else.
His mission is to make the greatest magickal secrets from all over the World available to all seekers, and to expand the possibilities of what can be healed. The shamanic traditions which he draws from include Kahuna, Pueblo Indian, Vedic, Dragon & Faery Magick, Vodou, Javanese, Atlantean, Egyptian Magick and more.
© Aziz Shamanism 2024 Email enquiries:
Register Free at the Best Time for You:
Thursday, 18 January, 2024 at 9.00 pm New York time
Saturday, 20 January, 2024 at 10.00 am London time
We hope to make a replay available for everyone who registers but only live attendees can ask Peter for his insight into their health or other challenges. .
Sunday, 21 January, 2024 at 9.00 am Bangkok time
Register Now for the Upcoming Webinar
If you’d like to learn more about how Ultimate Healing works to heal the most common issues that people bring to Peter for healing and to also receive free psionic healings that will protect you and release from your body all contaminants prevalent at this time, choose your preferred time and register below.
And if you have family or friends who you feel would benefit from this knowledge and/or who need contaminants and environmental toxins removed, please share this invitation with them.

Ask Yourself
Are you desperate to get to the root cause of everything that's holding you back and/or creating health issues and release them and heal?
Are you ready to shift your emotional state from apathetic & hopeless to energised & confident?
Do you realise that NOW is the time to recognise yourself as a Sovereign Being / Master Creator?
Are you ready to allow and co-create massive positive change and healing in your life and the world around you?
Have the last few years taken their toll on you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and you need some help and to heal your DNA?
Are you prepared to meet and embrace your shadow and fully explore your emotions?

If you answered YES to any or all of the questions above, REGISTER NOW FOR THE FREE WEBINAR by clicking one of the registration buttons.

We hope to make a replay available for everyone who registers but only live attendees can ask Peter for his insight into their health or other challenges.
Register Free at the Best Time for You:
Thursday, 18 January, 2024 at 9.00 pm New York time
Saturday, 20 January, 2024 at 10.00 am London time
Sunday, 21 January, 2024 at 9.00 am Bangkok time